Monday, April 7, 2014

Book Review x 040813

Divergent by Veronica Roth
So, let me start with what I know about this book before I read it. Well, I have a friend who has read it already and he told me that it was a good book and he told me a little about it and I thought it was interesting. He told me about the factions and how things worked in their world. I'll give it a 4 out of 5. The story is quite good but I was kind of disappointed on it as a whole story. I don't really know what I was expecting from this but its just that everyone was so in love with the movie like it was the best thing in the world but for me it's just "Yeah its a good book." I'm not saying it was not good, it was just that maybe I expected too much because everyone's comments about the movie seemed to me like it was the greatest thing they've ever seen. I haven't watched the movie though, but I'm planning to. Let's get back to the story, I admire their bravery. Probably what I loved the most about the book. Tris was so brave and she's the kind of girl that will do what she wants. So far that's the only thing I like about it. My favorite scene would probably be the Ferris wheel part. I don't really know why but I thought it was smart of Tris to think about that kind of strategy. Another thing I wanna talk about is about how people are saying this is the next Hunger Games, well, now that I've read it, I can tell you this, no its not. People probably think that it seems like the same because of the dystopian theme. It's really different but one thing you can compare here is Tris and Katniss. Both brave girls, which I really love. Sometimes I wish I could be brave like them and sometimes when I imagine myself in their place, I'm probably dead at the first few pages of the book! HAHAHA. I'm hoping that I'm just not liking this that much because its just the first book. I'm so excited about Insurgent! (BTW, I was really hoping that they had the original cover of this book but I was so excited to buy it that I didn't wait for a few more days until they had one.)

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